Monday, November 12, 2012

Zendala Dare 31

Above I reversed the colours with Photoshop.  Below is the original zendala.  I am not so happy with the version below; I was sick of it by the time I finished...but I like it a little better reversed.  I will start a new one tomorrow and hopefully I will like it!
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  1. I'm sorry you don't like it; because I really do! I also like the reverse image you did; but the original is lovely in its own right.

  2. I agree with the coment above. You are much to hard on yourself, this zendala is beautiful.

  3. Love both, but the white on black is fab! It has a real Christmassy feel to me :D

  4. I love it! It looks like a lace doily

  5. You did a great job, I love the one you did! And the only reason it turned out so well in reverse, is because of the original one.
    The one in reverse look indeed like something made of lace.

  6. I agree, the black one is gorgeous because the original came out sooooo cool.


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